Thursday, October 8, 2009

CrAzInEsS we call LiFe.........

Things have been pretty crazy here on our end the last few weeks. I unexpectedly got a new job at the hospital and it is full time so I accepted the position and started right away. I am still managing full time school as well, except to finish this semester out I am doing a self study and only going in to take the tests and such since orientation interferes with school. Once my intership hours in the pharmacy begin in the next 2 weeks my life will be nothing but pure chaos. I will have to pull off 20+ hours in the pharmacy plus my regular scheduled 40 hours in the ER. I really am enjoying my job though, the whole 3 days I havce spent at it so far. It is challenging but I really like a challenge, and I have definitely been faced with one. Amongst all the madness, Ricky has decided that he is ready for kids like NOW! Wow...yeah trying to take it all in. I want to be a mom but currently life is so crazy and I just want to be able to take a couple breathers. I keep telling him it will happen when it is meant to happen and if it is soon rather than later then I am ok with that but it is all in God's hand. That is my outlook on it. Ricky is still working at the golf course and taking online classes however they have been cutting his hours due to A LOT of rain here in the Houston area lately. We finally got his financial aid squared away and the government accepted his income reduction and granted grants. Only thing government granted him 4800 for the year and the school is only actually giving him 3600 for the year because he is "ONLY" taking 10 credit hours. I personally think anything over 10 credit hours should be considered full time status, but that is just my opinion, like it really matters. SO we are holding down fort here in Kingwood. Oh, I forgot to mention on top of everything happening at once we moved on Sept. 25th and have been dealing with that. Guilty confession......ALL the boxes are still sitting in the living room UNpacked because I have not even had a second to think. Better go work on my Rx paper.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like life is crazy for you! Have you gotten your PCOS under control then? I hope when you guys are ready and trying it will happen and fast. Its a hard road to travel down not being able to start your family when you want.
    Love you guys!
