Thursday, October 8, 2009

CrAzInEsS we call LiFe.........

Things have been pretty crazy here on our end the last few weeks. I unexpectedly got a new job at the hospital and it is full time so I accepted the position and started right away. I am still managing full time school as well, except to finish this semester out I am doing a self study and only going in to take the tests and such since orientation interferes with school. Once my intership hours in the pharmacy begin in the next 2 weeks my life will be nothing but pure chaos. I will have to pull off 20+ hours in the pharmacy plus my regular scheduled 40 hours in the ER. I really am enjoying my job though, the whole 3 days I havce spent at it so far. It is challenging but I really like a challenge, and I have definitely been faced with one. Amongst all the madness, Ricky has decided that he is ready for kids like NOW! Wow...yeah trying to take it all in. I want to be a mom but currently life is so crazy and I just want to be able to take a couple breathers. I keep telling him it will happen when it is meant to happen and if it is soon rather than later then I am ok with that but it is all in God's hand. That is my outlook on it. Ricky is still working at the golf course and taking online classes however they have been cutting his hours due to A LOT of rain here in the Houston area lately. We finally got his financial aid squared away and the government accepted his income reduction and granted grants. Only thing government granted him 4800 for the year and the school is only actually giving him 3600 for the year because he is "ONLY" taking 10 credit hours. I personally think anything over 10 credit hours should be considered full time status, but that is just my opinion, like it really matters. SO we are holding down fort here in Kingwood. Oh, I forgot to mention on top of everything happening at once we moved on Sept. 25th and have been dealing with that. Guilty confession......ALL the boxes are still sitting in the living room UNpacked because I have not even had a second to think. Better go work on my Rx paper.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Busy Week!

We had such a busy week last week. School started on monday and both RIcky and I are in classes. This is Ricky's first semester and he is taking 3 online classes and seems to be off to a good start. I of course started the Pharmacy program and am loving it, but it is very time consuming. Also on monday last week Ricky's grandmother Enid Joan Fitt passed away, it was kind of unexpected. She has been sick for awhile but the Dr 2 weeks ago had just said how well she was doing and the liver disease was not in a complete failing stage yet. Of course Ricky was extremely close with his grandmother and had an extremely rough week. He and his family left for Utah on thursday and arrived on friday then the funeral was saturday and they left after that. I , on the other hand got to fly and spent some extra time with my family while I was there. I had fun and it was good to see family that I haven't seen in forever...Tami, Nate, uncle Mike! Of course I got home on Tuesday and it was straight back to the books for me. Ricky started a new job this monday and seems to be enjoying it thus far. It is not as much as we had hoped for and is actually less than unemployment but anything at this point is a blessing. Hopefully all will owrk out for the better. We have been looking at apartments all week as our lease is up on the 30th. We really did not want to move but they wanted to raise our rent and wanted more money before we could renew. Our electric bills have been ridiculous as well so we found a new apartment across town that is smaller and much cheaper rent wise. It may not be as nice inside but at this point it is no longer a big deal. So we will be moving in the 18th and I have been busy cleaning and packing. I hope all goes smoothly. I will post more on my trip to Utah later. Toodles!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Well I finally did it! I put my notice in at the Crisis Center. Though I love what I do I do NOT love the job and the midnights on friday and saturday are killing me. It was one or the other and realistically I make more at the college because even though the pay is less, the hours are greater. I am happy with my decision and I feel relieved, but now that it's done with they feel the need to point the finger. Making accusations of things that I am not responsible for that could affect my chances of getting a job in the medical/health field all together. When I tried to defend myself they didn't care to listen. I don't know why grown women feel the need to act like children. GROW UP! You are supposed to be the one representing these people and you can't even do that. Sorry, I needed a venting session and this was the best way to do it. Anyways, on a side note...Aug. 15th will be my last day there unless(which I highly doubt will happen) they find someone to fill my position before that. I can do so much better and once I finish school, I will. I don't need the added stress. It's already difficult with Ricky still being unemployed. We keep praying that something will come up and are hoping that the right one will appear soon.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Way to Go!

Well, I started school in the fall with the intentions of going into nursing but soon had a new found interest in the world of pharmacy. I have been taking basic prereqs this year and a few weeks ago applied for the pharmacy program since I was able to meet all of those requirements. After sending an email, I recieved a call from the director of the program who said she had one opening for the fall and they would love to have me. So needless to say, I GOT IN! I will start the pharmacy program in August. On top of my full course load of pharmacy and clinicals and all, I have to take A&P so I can still apply for the nursing program in January too. If I get in that would start the following August after I complete my Pharmacy Tech. The problem with the nursing is it is a lot more competitive then the pharmacy. I figure this way If for some reason I dont make the cut this round I still have my pharmacy training and cert. to fall back on and make a decent living on that. I am super excited and I cannot wait. However, I have about 9 months of constant study.....I do believe come August 24th my life is over for 9 months! End of discussion. On a side note, things have been ok, still stressful since I am taking summer classes and working 2 jobs since Ricky still has had no luck. He is thinking of going to school in the fall as well and we are contemplating which program he should do if any. I would love for him to go back to school, but financially I dont know if we can afford for him not to work full time if he does find a job between now and then. Well, I will keep you posted. Hope everyone is having a good summer vacation so far.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why Not?

Well I see blogs all over the place now so I figured why not? We mine as well get one. So here we go. Well let me give you a quick break down on what's going on here in Houston.....1) Ricky is still not working and still not recieved an unemployment check. 2) I started a new job this week and I am quite enjoying it so far. I am working in the business office at the college. 3) summer classes start this week. 4) Ricky's Granny & Granddad have been here the last 2 weekends so I have managed to get the last 2 weekends off...first weekend off since January and boy is it nice. Anyways...other than that not a whole lot...just the stress of finances when one is a full time employee working only part time and the other has been unemployed since February. Sometimes life is crazy ya know?